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Even if you’re not allergic to pets, their hair is more than just a nuisance – it can be a huge health risk. Shed pet hair causes all sorts of health issues, and the WORST part is that this hair is invisible…it hides deep within the fibers of your carpets, rugs, furniture. It's one of the most dangerous parts of being a pet parent that most of the world is unaware of.
Uproot / Articles / July / Hidden Dangers of Fur Infestation
Are you removing ALL the pet hair from your carpets and upholstery?
Even if you vacuum and lint-roll, there’s far more hair hidden beneath the surface.
Because pets shed year-round. Carpet fibers attract and trap hair, PLUS the hair needles its way into carpet fibers and upholstery. That means it’s almost impossible to remove, even with regular vacuuming and lint-rolling.
What’s worse is that these hairs carry pet dander, urine, and saliva…not to mention bacteria, mold, allergens, and even pests like mites!
So this pet hair that’s embedded in your freshly vacuumed carpet? It could be making you and your family sick!
Let’s take a look at how your pet’s shed hair could be making your home dirty…AND making you feel unwell.
The hidden fur that’s packed into your carpet and upholstery is jeopardizing both your house and your health.
Vacuums simply can’t get rid of much of the hair that’s trapped there. The result could be dire health consequences.
Every pet parent knows that pests LOVE pets. Even the cleanest, most-loved pets can suffer from pests like fleas and ticks. And pests love pet hair almost as much as they love the pets themselves!
Fleas, dust mites, & pests LOVE pet hair-infested homes!
The pet hair trapped in your carpets can attract pests like dust mites and fleas. These pests then make their homes in carpet fibers. They poop, pee, shed their skins, and have little baby pests…which also live in your carpet!
The result? Bites, skin irritation, rashes, and even disease…for both humans and pets!
Don’t you just LOVE the smell of a wet dog? What about the smell of a musty ear infection? Or maybe the scent of anal glands?
Probably not. In fact, most pet odors are not the type of smells we want to fill our homes with.
But every time your pet loses hair in your home, those hairs are soaked with the smells of your pet. That’s because hair is very absorbent. And every time your pet sheds, the hair contains your pet’s natural oils and scents.
Once it’s embedded in your carpet, those smells can permeate your carpet fibers. The result is a constant dirty smell that’s only worse every time you walk on the carpet or disturb the hair in any way.
Since hair is absorbent, it can also trap moisture and hold onto debris. That’s the perfect environment for bacteria and mold to thrive. Not only is that gross to think about, it is a huge health risk because of airborne contaminants. And of course it can cause bad odors too.
So when your carpet is packed full of shed hair, it’s most likely also packed full of contaminants that can worsen asthma and cause mold-related sickness, breathing problems, and even infections.
And if you or your family members suffer from allergies, it only gets worse. Because pet hair carries allergens like dander, saliva, and urine residue. These contaminants can trigger allergic reactions to people who are sensitive to them. The result can be sneezing, coughing, respiratory issues, and even skin irritation.
Unfortunately, every time you walk on your carpet or disturb the hairs, these contaminants can become airborne and worsen all types of symptoms.
Although many cleaning tools claim to rid your home of pet hair, do they really get those embedded hairs trapped deep inside your carpet and upholstery?
Luckily there’s a company that makes pet hair-removing tools to extract embedded hair from every surface.
Tools for large areas and small areas. Tools that are easy to use and that don’t wear out easily or need constant refills.
This company focuses on ONE thing and one thing only…
Helping you keep your home free of pet hair.
The company? It’s called Uproot Clean.
Uproot Clean has a wide range of tools that gently and thoroughly remove hair from your carpet, furniture, car, and even clothes.
The precision engineered metal teeth grab hairs that are trapped between the fibers. The carefully crafted curved edge is designed in such a way that it won’t damage fabric.
Although these tools glide along the surface, they grip and hold onto deeply embedded hair so your soft surfaces are FINALLY clean.
The best part is that these tools don’t require batteries, electricity, or refills of any kind. The lack of moving parts means they’re almost impossible to break. That means they’re virtually silent and they last so long you can give them to your grandkids.
No more buying an endless supply of vacuum bags or lint roller refills. And no more noisy vacuuming. Just a clean, quiet home…FINALLY.