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3 Ways This Pet Grooming Tool Can Help Prevent a Trip to the Vet

Is your pet developing mysterious skin problems? Are they limping, losing weight, or dealing with parasite infestations? It's not your fault that nobody told you how big a risk seasonal shedding can be. That’s why THIS ARTICLE might be the most important thing you read all week…

Uproot / Articles / May / Dangers of Shedding

What’s lurking beneath your pet’s un-shed coat?

Are you brushing your pet every day?

Even if you are, you might be surprised at the hidden dangers lurking beneath your pet’s beautiful coat.

As gross as it is, seasonal shedding gone wrong can lead to crippled limbs, rotting flesh, parasites, maggots, open sores, and more. Not only is it heartbreaking to imagine your pet in such a state…

It can’t be healthy for you to curl up in bed with a pet covered in maggots and bacteria, can it?

There are several ways this un-shed hair can put your pet and your family at risk. Let’s see what may be lurking beneath the surface of your four-legged friend’s furry exterior…

You treat your pet like family, because they ARE family. That’s why it’s important to know that your pet might need a little human help with their seasonal shedding. 

Incomplete shedding can lead to dire consequences for your whole family, especially if any of you have a hard time fighting off illnesses.

That may sound dramatic, but it's true. Matted fur stops fresh air from reaching your pet’s skin. Without air circulation, hot spots can develop on their skin.

The result is painful “burnt” patches, which can turn into bacterial or fungal infections. Your pet’s skin may get itchy, crusty, moist, or flaky. Of course, it’s almost impossible to see these problems when matted fur blocks your vision…

3 Hidden Dangers of Seasonal Shedding

1. Matted Fur Can Cause Infections

So by the time you get your furry friend to the vet, they may be dealing with a staph infection, fungal yeast infection, or dermatitis. Not only is it heartbreaking to watch your beloved pet deal  with those conditions…

This is just the start of your problems. Imagine how much worse it can get…

But YOU could even catch some of those infections from your pet!

Suddenly you’re saddled with vet bills, doctor bills, trips to the pharmacy, medication schedules for multiple family members, and GUILT!

All because your pet’s seasonal shedding went wrong.

Bacterial Infection

Fungal Infection


2. Fleas, Ticks, Maggots, and Other Parasites LOVE to Lurk in Fur

If you’ve ever had to look for ticks after a hike…

Or had a child come home from school after a “lice alert”...

You know how difficult it is to hunt through thick hair for those little pests. After all, it’s easy to spot a tick on your bare leg, but almost impossible to find a tick on a long-haired dog.

So it makes sense that other pests might be lurking just out of sight too. Under the cover of matted fur, these pests can feed on your pet’s blood, breed, and reproduce. The result is constant pain for your pet, infections, and even anemia. Oh, and flies can lay eggs and maggots can develop in the wounds. 

Unfortunately, dogs are VERY susceptible to tick borne diseases. And since signs of disease might not show up for weeks after being bitten by an infected tick, it’s crucial to thoroughly check your dog for ticks. 

Before you assume that your cat is completely safe…

Sure, cats are a little safer from ticks since they groom themselves. But if your cat has matted fur that they can’t untangle? You bet a tick can hide in there!

Then there are fleas. Fleas are the most common external parasite for cats. It’s also possible for pets to develop mange, scabies, lice, and heartworm, to name a few.

Still not sure about the Uproot Clean 7-in-1 Grooming Kit?

Why Get The Uproot 7-in-1 Grooming Kit?

It might help to know that it has over 90% 5-star reviews. Here’s how real customers explain Uproot’s life changing benefits:

Ear Mite Infestation

Bacterial Infection

Flea Infestation

Maggot Infestation

Hidden Ticks

3. Severe Matting Can Limit Movement, Cut Off Circulation, or Cause Hematomas

You’d never guess that a little matted fur could turn into a tourniquet, would you?

Yet that’s exactly what can happen when seasonal shedding goes horribly wrong. Matted fur around the legs not only causes pain when it pulls at hair follicles, it can cause pets to lose mobility in their legs. It limits movement and can even get so constricting that it cuts off circulation, acting like a tourniquet!

If matted fur is around the mouth, it can virtually turn your pet’s hair into a muzzle. This tangled fur can cause difficulty eating, which may lead to weight loss or illness.

Many breeds are susceptible to hematomas, especially on the ears, when matted fur chokes off blood flow. These painful sores can pop up virtually anywhere. Although hematomas can sometimes heal on their own, they are often extremely painful and swollen.

Large Hematoma

Severely Matted Fur

Although nature’s plan for shedding is a good one, it can go haywire at times. There’s no guarantee that a healthy shedding pattern will stay healthy as your pet ages.

How to “dethatch” your pet’s hair and protect their health…

Don’t wait until it’s an emergency situation…

Luckily there’s a tool that can keep your pet’s seasonal shedding on track. One that can help daily, weekly, seasonally, and as-needed. That’s as quiet as a rain shower. That does all the work of a groomer… AND a vacuum!

Just one grooming session with your Uproot Clean 7-in-1 Grooming Kit can make the difference between a trip to the vet and a healthy shedding season.

It’s quiet and comfortable for your pet, and easy for you to set up and clean up. After just 2 grooming sessions, the grooming kit pays for itself!

So if you’re still relying on a hokey at-home grooming setup, or you’re letting your pet limp through seasonal shedding alone…

You could be opening your whole household up to sickness and a world of hurt.

Finally a simple, elegantly designed solution for living with long-haired pets. I’m looking forward to fewer piles of hair around my house!

I am usually there for hours after a bath, drying, cleaning up, grooming, you name it. But with this machine, that time is seriously cut in half.

Izzy has never been softer, looked better, or been this comfortable.

My dog is terrified of vacuum cleaners and hates the human blow dryer. He stayed still. He didn’t shake from fear or anxiety.

I love the ease of containing the hair & cleanup is a breeze!

My Aussies love it ! They aren’t afraid, which is great!

Very easy to collect the hair from the brush and easy to clean the machine/empty the hair.

I really recommend it. When I was done with the dogs I used it on the floor rug and it really got more hair out of the rug.

Works great on my medium haired shepherd and my short haired pitbull. Neither one are phased by the noise it makes.


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Happy, Healthy Shedding With The Uproot 7-in-1 Grooming Kit

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